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Her Education Matters: Project background

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Updated: May 22, 2019

Why we're doing this project

There are many school girls in Malawi, particularly those in rural areas, who do not have access to products to manage their regular menstrual health. Not only does this cause embarrassment, discomfort and sometimes infections, but it also can mean that girls and their families take the decision that once a month they will stay at home instead of going to school.

Disposable pads are expensive and out of the reach of many schoolgirls, particularly those living in rural areas. There are no facilities for appropriate and discreet disposal. Reusable products if washed carefully, can have a lifetime of 18 months to 2 years.

With your help, over 900 girls can have resources and support to enable them to attend school despite menstruation. Each year a new cohort will share that support and have the confidence to participate fully in the education that equips them for the future.

Girls can benefit hugely from this project by not having to miss up to 5 days a school per month


How the project will work

We have agreed with our partner organisation in Malawi, African Vision, that we will aim to fund the project in two parts, starting at M'teza school. This school is close to the African Vision supported Sam's Village, where training in skills is given to young people to enable them to gain employment or start enterprises.

Two ladies from the Mothers' Group will be trained to use a treadle sewing machine; they will then learn to follow the patterns to make reusable sanitary protection. The supplies of pads will initially be available at the school, managed by a female teacher, but as stocks build up, Girls Kits will be assembled to be given to the girls in the last four years of school.

Two of the mums and sample reusable sanitary products

Students in Malawi are at primary school for 8 years and many students may be older than their year group. The Education Manager at the African Vision project will work with local groups to ensure that education is given to the girls and that they are supported at home and at school, to benefit from the Girl's Kits.

So not only is the personal health problem addressed but it means that girls will be able to attend school regularly, keep up with their school work and progress through to Standard 8 and take the end of school exam, the PSLCE.

Students have to pass this exam so that they can apply to go to secondary school. Girls want to finish primary school education and join the secondary school. Some will go on further in education. All girls have ambitions and you will be helping to make it possible for them to realise them if you make a donation to the Her Education Matters project.


How you can support this project and stay updated about its progress

We are grateful for donations in support of this project. If you would like to give Malawian girls the best chance of completing their education by enabling them to stay in school during their periods, please make a donation on our crowdfunder page at:

Another way you can help is by telling a friend, colleague or family member about this project or by sharing it on social media. We'd be grateful for your help to spread the word!

Stay up to date with our Her Education Matters project and our other work by signing up to our newsletter here:

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Two of the mothers receiving training to make the reusable sanitary products


Our support for educational projects, which help children in Malawi to fulfill their potential, is made possible by our regular donors. Please consider becoming a regular donor yourself, and join our community.

Registered Charity Number: 1141352

Registered Charity Number: 1141352​

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