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Building Classrooms, Building Futures: Students speak about learning outside

Updated: Oct 17

Students from Mthawira Primary School in Lirangwe-Blantyre District of Southern Malawi learn outside due to a lack of school classrooms. Think Malawi and UYO spoke to two students from the school who detailed their experiences with learning outside.

Learning outside for children in Malawi is difficult due to various adverse weather conditions.

A boy learner described learning outside as "really awful... we always suffer from headaches due to the scorching sun" while when it rains the teacher has to "dismiss our class till another better sunny day".

A girl learner said that when it rains "the rain beats our faces and our notebooks get wet as we run for the shelter".

Moreover, at Mthawira Primary School the outside environment distracts the children who are under the shade of the trees being taught.

"We also get distracted by friends and people passing by" said a boy in the class.

A girl in the class explained this can be when other students come out of their classrooms for their break of cattle-herders passing on the nearby roads.

Reverend Sembereka of the Malawian High Commission in the UK speaking about education in Malawi said,

"most of the students learn in the open air, due to the lack of adequate classrooms, if it rains on that day classrooms might be postponed... certainly the impact of climate on the learning environment of a child in Malawi is a challenge"

To help the children of Mthawira Primary School learn inside and have a better education and future please donate to our fundraiser campaign Building Classrooms, Building Futures.

We can provide learning environments for 120 students who currently learn outside with two new classrooms.

For £61 a wall of the classroom can be built due to donations and with just £27, you can provide the roofing materials needed to shelter two children from the harsh sun and heavy rain.


Our support for educational projects, which help children in Malawi to fulfill their potential, is made possible by our regular donors. Please consider becoming a regular donor yourself, and join our community.

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