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Career guidance and motivational talks with Ladder to Learning


Updated: Oct 10, 2023

Additional funds used for career guidance and motivational talks

across five primary schools in Lilongwe

Think Malawi’s partner organisation Ladder to Learning, an NGO based in Lilongwe who work with local primary schools, are about to start a new project. This small project was funded by using savings arising from currency fluctuations from a large project funded by Think Malawi.

Ladder to Learning has formed partnerships with schools across Lilongwe to increase literacy skills and raise educational standards. Through a project called ‘Career Guidance & Motivation Talks,’ the NGO will look to support students needing career guidance, as a response to low education levels among parents and lack of role models in their local communities.

The programme objectives are threefold:

1. Motivate students to work hard in school and place high value on education.

2. Inspire students to have goals for their future and their education.

3. Expose and connect students to different careers and mentors.

Ladder to Learning is working with around 1,000 students across 5 schools (Lilongwe LEA, Biwi LEA, Msambachikho LEA, Ngwenya, and Ngwenya Primary Schools) in Standards 5 to 8. These students are currently preparing for their national exams which will determine their secondary school placement. The aim of these sessions are to give the students the drive and motivation to work hard to do well academically with the aim to achieve a place in a well regarded school.

Over the next month Ladder to Learning hopes to achieve the following outcomes, to be completed by August 31 2023; to motivate 1,000 students to work hard in school and place high value on education; inspire the same number of students to have goals for their future and their education; and to expose these students to different careers and role models.

To assess these outcomes guided interview questionnaires to the 1,000 students at the end of each term to determine the impact and thus the results of this project will be revealed by December 2023.

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